Priority commitment
Our company is committed and dedicated to the environment. We have built our environmental management system around the concept of ISO14001 sustainability. Following the introduction of ISO14001 in 2000, we have been meeting the stricter requirements of EMAS – Environmental Management and Certification System since 2011. Sustainability and development, as well as environmental education for our employees, are ongoing.
To ensure sustainability, we set new environmental goals year by year, and we are working to the best of our knowledge. Based on the results, we can say that we can reduce the amount of our waste and auxiliary materials in a specific way.

We mean it
Keeping in touch with our partners and stakeholders is essential. Our environmental statement, updated every year and made publicly available on our website, contains indicators of our current environmental policy and performance. This policy reflects our company’s commitment to protecting the environment and provides a framework for our ecological responsibilities and delivery. We are committed to preserving natural resources, to minimizing emissions and to continuous improvement in this direction.
We carry out our activities with great care, and no contamination can leave our site during the work processes. Our hazardous waste can only be taken away by our partner who has the appropriate disposal permit, who will dispose of it or recycle it.
We achieve resource management through modernization and awareness so that we can optimize our raw material consumption and improve our specific raw material utilization rates.
Our envirnmental policy
You can download our “Environmental Policy” by clicking on the link below.

Authenticated system
MATRO Kft.’s commitment to environmental protection can be seen not only in words but also in deeds, one of the elements of which is the EMAS Certified Environmental Management System, which was introduced in 2012.
The EMAS certification document is available here.