Welcome to MATRO’s website!
MATRO Ltd. is one of the leading automotive suppliers in Southern Transdanubia. Our automotive products are incorporated into almost all European passenger and commercial vehicles brands.
Our dynamically developing company has a nearly 30-year history, and the number of our employees and students exceed 300 people.
Our main activity is the manufacture of machine parts, machine tool-heads for and machine tools by cutting.
Our success is based on a world-class machine park, high technological quality, continuous improvement, committed and well-trained staff, with decades of experience.
Two major product categories

Production of high-quality turned and cut parts in small and large quantities.

We produce cutting tools for end users and tool manufacturers based on special customer requirements.
The quality of our machine fleet and the complexity of our machines makes us possible to offer high-quality, cost-effective and flexible manufacturing that our customers appreciate.
We help our partners optimize their products and costs not only during manufacturing but also at the design stage.
We have not only the required TIER2 certification but also an EMAS environmental certification. Our principle is to add more than expected.
Our advanced and wide-ranging measurement methods and tools ensure that only high-quality products leave the gate of our factory.
We have received numerous prestigious awards and prizes from our customers all stating, that “We do a great job!”
Flexibility is one of the main features of our company, both in terms of production volumes, deadlines and customer expectations.
Dynamic development!
The year 2020 has brought many new investments into the life of MATRO. We are very pleased that our new hall was completed at the beginning of the year and we were able to take possession of it. Already in the first months, the positive impact of this on the productivity of our company and the well-being of our employees can be seen.
However, the development did not end there, because in the summer of 2020, our factory area and thus our production capacity were further expanded with another hall of 4,500 square meters.
Details of the expansion are available below and we also showcase our new halls.

MATRO is a unique workplace. It combines the exceptionally high working conditions and development opportunities with the modern multinational workplace environment, yet as a family-owned enterprise, it is a human-oriented, direct and lively company.
We are proud to have a clearly positive atmosphere at MATRO. This is demonstrated by our low fluctuation level within the industry, meaning that most of our employees stay with us for long-term and we also plan to work with them in the long run.
Our door is always open to both young and experienced workers looking for a cheerful and performance-oriented workplace.
Find out why working at MATRO is great and check our current job offers!
A MATRO egy különleges munkahely. Egyesíti a modern multinacionális munkakörnyezettel járó kiemelkedően magas munkakörülményeket és fejlődési lehetőséget, ugyanakkor családi tulajdonú vállalkozásként mégis emberközpontú, közvetlen és jó hangulatú vállalat.
Büszkén állíthatjuk, hogy a MATRO-nál egyértelműen pozitív munkahelyi légkör tapasztalható. Ezt igazolja az iparági szinten rendkívül alacsony fluktuációnk, azaz munkatársaink többsége hosszú távon tervez velünk és mi is hosszú távon tervezünk velük.
Ajtónk mindig nyitva áll olyan fiatal és tapasztaltabb munkavállalók előtt, akik egy vidám, de teljesítményorientált és igényes munkakörnyezetet keresnek maguknak.
Tudd meg, miért jó a MATRO-nál dolgozni és nézd meg aktuális állásajánlatainkat!
Our partners